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What a Party!

    Thanks to everyone who came, everyone who helped and everyone who lent a hand clearing up at our second Street Party If you have any pictures please email them to us, we’d love to add them to this gallery. Also, if you wish to be involved in next year’s party please sign up to our MailChimp weekly newsletter or sign up as a member (both bottom left of web site page).

    Special thanks go to our DJs Paul, Paul, Bob and MC Krome (especially Paul from Appach who arranged all the tables and chairs). Excellent work from Dr Bike who was kept busy all afternoon solving your peddle power problems. Well done all the stall holders, especially everyone on the popular Book Swap and impressive Felting demonstration. Congratulations to our singing and pet photo winners, and thanks to Sainsburys for the prizes. Wonderful marshal arts demonstration from Krav Maga.

    Really showed the Avenue at its best. Cannot wait to conga again next year.

    Click on a picture to enlarge…

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