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State of the Borough – Tulse Hill

    Lambeth Council has published the State of the Borough report [pdf] for 2014. As the title suggests, it is a detailed and statistical analysis of Lambeth broken down into each individual ward. Here is what it says about our neck of the woods…

    Tulse Hill

    Tulse Hill has one of the largest ward populations in Lambeth (16,000), and one of the highest population densities. There is a large proportion of children aged 0-15. Over half of the population is from ethnic minorities. 3.2% of Tulse Hill residents speak an African language as their first language.

    There is a high proportion of Black Caribbean residents. Less than a third of residents are from a White British background. Employment rates are typical of Lambeth. Tenure is typical of Lambeth as a whole (owner occupier 29% of households, social renting 43%, and private rented 25%), and a high proportion of dwellings in council tax bands A or B.

    There are average rates of benefit claimants, although the proportion of residents claiming Job Seekers Alowance, and dependent children in out-of-work households are high. The crime rate is average for Lambeth.

    Poor areas include the St Matthews, Tulse Hill, St Matthews Estates, and better off areas include Brixton Hill near Josephine Avenue, and Upper Tulse Hill.

    Nice to see we get a mention! For the full report click here>>