Following an application by the supermarket to open a new store on the corner of Brixton Water Lane and Tulse Hill Parade, the Lambeth Licensing Sub-Committee decided at a meeting on 17th April 2013 to grant permission with these conditions…
Amended Conditions to Application
Alcohol Hours The hours authorised for the sale of alcohol to be 07:00 to 23:00 hours.
Conditions already in operating schedule
The premises licence hold will ensure that an age verification policy will apply to the premises whereby all cashiers will be trained to ask any customers attempting to purchase alcohol, who appears to be under the age of 25 years (or older if the licence holder so elects) to produce, before being sold alcohol, identification being a passport or photo-card driving licence bearing a holographic mark or other form of identification bearing the customer’s photograph, date of birth and the Proof of Age Standards Scheme (or similarly accredited scheme) hologram.
Additional conditions proposed by the police
1. A CCTV system covering areas inside and directly outside of the premises should be updated and maintained according to police recommendations with properly maintained log arrangements and recordings/tapes to be kept for a minimum of 30 days.
2. The CCTV system is to comply with the Data Protection Act 1998 and must be working and recording correctly when the venue is open to the public.
3. Daily checks of the CCTV system are to be completed and all details written into a log/diary
4. A staff member from the venue who is conversant with the operation of the CCTV system must be on the premises at all times that the venue is open to the public. This staff member must immediately be able to show the police or local authority officer’s contemporaneous and recent data or footage on request.
5. The Premises are to use all reasonable efforts to provide police and local authority officers with recordings from the CCTV system on request (e.g. by supplying recordings on DVD, CD, tape etc, and any software needed to ply the footage if necessary).
6. A member of the premises management (whether the DPS or other owner/manager) must attend all Police and Licensing Forums/meetings when invited.
7. The premises shall prominently display signage informing customers:-
a. To leave quietly and to respect your neighbours
b. Stating that CCTV is in operation
8. All beers, ales, lagers and ciders and anything similar that are sold/ supplied in a can to be sold in packs of four (4) minimum at all times.
9. There will be no sales/supplies of beers, ales, lagers or ciders of 6.5% ABV or above, excluding the sale of specialist branded beers, ales, lagers or ciders.
10. Two (2) members of staff will be present at the venue at all times open to the public and licensable activities are taking place.
1. All staff engaged or to be engaged in the sale of alcohol on the premises shall receive the following training in age restricted sales:
• Induction training which must be completed and documented prior to the sale of alcohol by the staff member.
• Refresher/reinforcement training at intervals of no more than 6 months. Training records will be kept at the premises available for inspection by a police officer on request.
2. At least one personal licence holder will be available (this does not mean necessarily present at the premises) at all times that alcohol is on sale.
3. All cashiers shall be trained to record refusals of sales of alcohol in a refusals register. The register will contain:
• details of the time and date the refusal was made;
• the identity of the staff member refusing the sale
• details of the alcohol the person attempted to purchase.
This register will be available for inspection by a police officer on request.
4. An incidents register shall be maintained at the premises recording:
• all incidents of crime and disorder occurring at the premises;
• details of occasions when the police are called to the premises.
This register will be available for inspection by a police officer on request.
5. There will be no display of alcohol within 5 meters of the store entrance.
The Premises will not sell/supply miniature bottles of spirits of 30cl or less.
The Sub-Committee had considered all the options available to them and ultimately felt that the applicant met the concerns which had been raised.
To see the full council document click here.