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Parking – they’re at it again

    Residents in streets immediately south of JAG should beware if they don’t want to be slapped with the same draconian parking restrictions as we’ve had in our road and neighbouring Leander  & Helix for the past 10 years, and are still fighting to be reviewed.

    Lambeth is currently undertaking a ‘review’ of residents’ views on extending Controlled Parking (CPZ) further up Brixton Hill. Only those in the proposed area can respond and they need to do so NOW

    The website says:

    Representations for and against the proposals described in this consultation must be made in writing to: Richard Lancaster, Capital Programmes, London Borough of Lambeth, 4th Floor Blue Star House, 234-244 Stockwell Road, London SW9 9SP or email quoting reference BRIXTON HILL CPZ by no later than 12 April 2017.

    According to the appendices tacked on, more than 50% of residents seem to have voted for an 8.30-6.30 restriction during an ‘informal consultation’.

    We know how unnecessary this is in order to deter commuter parking.

    The review is only around the potential extension of CPZ, not the long-awaited borough-wide review of existing arrangements. We’re still waiting for this although this was why the Ombudsman rejected a complaint back in 2015 –

    “As the Council has said it intends to review all existing CPZs commencing in April 2015, I do not consider that an investigation would have a worthwhile outcome, because the Council has already said it will review the CPZ.”

    As a JAG resident, you might like to write to Mr Lancaster asking when the Council will actually review our CPZ.