Here is a list of useful contacts from the Lambeth Mutual Aid web site:
Support us to help pay for people’s shopping! (Lambeth Mutual Aid Open Collective page)
Age UK Lambeth / 020 7346 6800
Lambeth Council COVID-19 Advice & Support
Shelter – Housing Advice and Coronavirus / 0808 800 4444
British Heart Foundation Coronavirus advice
Diabetes UK Coronavirus advice / 0345 123 2399
Mind charity / 0300 123 3393
Scope charity / 0808 800 3333
Guide for supporting migrants during coronavirus
The Silver Line – helpline for older people / 0800 470 80 90
Turn2US (Benefits and Coronavirus)
Universal Credit and Coronavirus
A video explainer on Mutual Aid
A bunch of resources from Hackney Mutual Aid