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Bike Sheds for Appach

    Sarah Malin is organising the installation of two bike sheds in Appach Road. Find below a copy of the leaflet she has distributed to residents:


    Lambeth Council are happy to install 2 bike hangers on Appach Road. We need to agree where we would like them to be placed.

    When we canvassed earlier in the year there was interest from all along the road, so it seems sensible to place one on each “arm”.

    We would be happy to have one outside our house (40), as there are few car parking spaces needed in this part of the road. We suggest an equivalent position on the other part of the road (eg outside number 8/10) might make sense, but we need to hear people’s opinions. The area by the railings at the far end of the road has been ruled out by the council.

    Please email Sarah (, or drop a note through the door of number 40, if you want to influence this decision or have any questions. Our plan is to let Lambeth know our preferred locations by Friday Dec 11th.


    Sarah Malin and James Lailey