Gabby Dawnay (Helix Road resident) spoke to Cllr. Jim Dickson (Herne Hill Councillor) this week, who is helping residents in the Poets Roads Controlled Parking Zone, CPZ, in their campaign to also reduce the hours of operation to 2 hours a day. He was really helpful, supportive and realistic, without making any promises about outcome, obviously.
Gabby has given him the details about our petition, reasoning, hours etc and mentioned the number of signatures; he said it was certainly a significant enough amount to show Lambeth Council local residents have strong feelings about the issue .
He was asked what he thought our next course of action should be. He said he would speak to our local Councillor Mary Atkins directly about this and give her ‘first option’ to take up the cause. He seemed very surprised that she hadn’t been supportive and said that once he’d communicated the strength of feeling, he felt sure she would want to present the petition to the Mayor at the next full council meeting in July, the same time as they are planning to present their petition.
His advice seems to makes sense, so all we need now is the support of our local councilors. If you wish to email them about this issue here are their email addresses…
Councillor Mary Atkins:
Councillor Marcia Cameron:
Councillor Adedamola Aminu: