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Dr Bike comes to the Party

    Good news – Lambeth Council have agreed to pay for Dr Bike to come to our Street Party on 1st June (thanks to Frances Forrest for organising this)…

    At Dr Bike sessions experienced cyclists and mechanics check everything on your bike from wheels, brakes, gears and tyre pressure to lights, racks, pedals, saddles and more. By the end, your bike will feel loved and cared for.

    Dr Bikes are used by a variety of organisations and employers to promote regular cycling and the service is great for community events and cycling awareness days. All our mechanics are friendly and approachable and have a wealth of cycling knowledge so feel free to pick their brains about cycle training or other cycling activities.

    This is one of the several ‘mini-events’ that individual residents will be organising as part of the Street Party. We will be publishing a Newsletter soon with more information on other activities residents are planning.

    If you have an idea of your own, e.g. kids event, hobby desk, computer guru, etc. please get in touch. We will be holding a special Street Party meeting on Wednesday 7th May to finalise plans for the day. Everybody welcome.