Minutes of the Meeting 9 June 2010

The next meeting will be on Wednesday July 14 at Mango Landing

Attending: Gary Turnbull (Chair) (GT); Louise Belson (Sec) (LB); Tim Fairhurst (TF); Peter Clasen (PC); Chris van Durren CvD); Marcia Cameron (MC); Ophelia Nazareth (ON); Sam Anderson (SA)

Apologies received from Aysev Ismail (Community Safety); SNT; Nick Berry (NB) (Treasurer)

1.Previous minutes. The minutes were approved. They are available on the newsgroup or can be collected from 21 JA.

2.Accounts Notes received on income/expenditure 08/09 from NB. Bank statements received from CvD for 6 months to Feb 2010. 

3.Agenda Requests Chair asked for AOB: MC said she would like to have a word about Toren.

4 ASB/ Brixton Hill Steering Group.

PC gave a report as follows, which was posted on the newsgroup. 

“I attended the Brixton Hill Partnership Action Group Steering Group meeting tonight, 3 June.  All the relevant bodies were there (except Transport & Highways): Tulse Hill SNT, Brixton Hill SNT, Vice Squad, LBL Community Safety, LBL Parking, LBL Licencing, Matt from White Horse and Ben from South Beach, plus residents (Emmanuel, Monica, me).

The main points of JAG interest were as follows:

General agreement that both prostitution and post-clubbing noise had reduced since the last meeting - I expressed gratitude to police and to license holders for their efforts. I have reminded the JAG newsgroup of the ASB report number 020 7926 4000, which has received very few or no calls; we were reminded too that Freshview are also happy to pass on complaints about anti-social behavior

Among Aysev Ismail's (LBL Community Safety) many achievements was good pressure on the litter people, who say that they are happy to adapt their rotas to the requests of locals (i.e. if you observe that litter is very bad on a Sunday night, you can request a rota at that time)

Emmanuel aired his concern about the barrier having displaced speeding traffic onto Helix Gardens, and asked what had happened to the barrier survey.  I argued that - while we did not want to make our gain Helix Garden's loss - other residents strongly supported the barrier.  Nick Head said that the fire brigade opposed posts, and that a barrier in the middle of the Avenue would displace traffic onto the access roads, and that other solutions could be found for the speeding, for example speed bumps.  All agreed that the consultation was the best time to work this out.” 

PC added: The next meeting is set for early August.

There were some interesting stats: Vice Squad had conducted 123 arrests of prostitutes since February, and 13 kerb crawlers had been apprehended.

MC said that lots of progress had been made in last few months. White Horse and South Beach

were both represented at the meeting. Generally positive reports. Late night noise levels had

reduced. Prostitution levels were down

PC said Aysev seemed to be very much on the case.

GT said that the debate was now in the steering group forum rather than the JAG.

TF/GT/PC asked if the permanent barrier consultation was to be on paper or email. MC did not 

know. There was general agreement that it should be on paper.

5. SNT 

GT reported that Emmanuel Perrin (EP) had attended, on behalf of the JAG the Safer Neighbourhood Team panel meeting. GT thanked EP. His report is available by request from the JAG Secretary on 0208 674 5902 and on the JAG newsgroup. LB said that she could attend the Aug meeting but asked if anyone could volunteer to attend regularly. There are 4 meetings p.a. SA said she could attend one meeting but could not attend regularly. GT said Najia might be able to.                                                                                                 Action GT to contact Najia

6. Barrier Consultation  

GT said that when the next survey is done, residents in favour of it might need to do a little bit

 of campaigning on its behalf. TF said we need to make sure that people are aware we’re evident

 of wider effects and other options for control e.g. traffic calming. PC said Emmanuel had

suggested the barrier to be in the middle of JA. PC Nick Head had said that this and other

suggestions for the barrier position had been rejected due to emergency services through route. 

LB asked when the barrier consultation was scheduled. MC did not have the date but would try to find out and inform the JAG. LB said she would write to Aysev to ask.

MC said she would try to find out.

LB asked MC if LBC Highways had attended the BH steering group meetings? MC said no as 

the dept. did not usually attend meetings out of office hours. MC said she would make the

request.                                                                                                                     Action MC/LB

7. JA 2011.

TF discussed the landscape design project: Funding was now needed for design and consultation work. Potential stakeholders have been aligned. LB and TF went to Kingston University to view students project designs for JA and had a great series of meetings with staff and other landscape professionals. JA 2011 would certainly be within their previous scope of interest. The students will bring picture boards of their design ideas for JA to show residents at the July 4 street party. They are bursting with ideas.

Simon and Jacqui (landscape architects who used to work there) have been in picture as our coaches. We are thinking in terms of connecting with Holmewood Gardens and Windrush Square along the Rush Common. and hope to provide a catalyst to give other groups a good reason for organising. On July 4 people will be here to discuss the plans.

LB reported on Grant Applications: She said JAG has sent an application to the Forestry Commission and to Awards for All for grants totaling £3000. These will pay for a full arboricultural survey to include: tree identification; recommendations for work for their current and future health; tree numbering with the age, history of pruning work, current health and regular care needs of each tree recorded; proposals for new planting and the long term. A full history and care management plan would be given to each owner or resident. Funds would include the costs in part of a project with local schools to design and place permanent labels on our trees giving information about them. LB will make further grant applications this month for a landscape survey and design proposal. LB has been advised by a fundraiser at Kingston University that JAG should seek funding advise from LBC Environment. LB asked MC if LBC might be interested in trialing new waste management projects on JA. MC asked LB and TF to write a short description of their proposal for consideration.                                  Action TF/LB                                                                        

9. JA Website  

TF described the new website as follows:

There will be a Members area to allow people to contribute. The site will be a bit more 21st century than the newsgroup. Contents will include: contacts, about us, news/info (anything from JAG-street cleans, lido has a new café etc. to local services and council); police, safer neighbourhood info; get involved (and the kinds of things that happen now); landscape and environment. The site won’t be complex flash. It uses RSS to allow people to subscribe to content areas that interest them. Using it should be simple. On July 4 the designer will demonstrate work in progress and ask residents input. TF will create flyers etc about the site and content. Words and pictures will take a little time to create and input initially but design decisions/changes are quick when we work with designer.

GT asked: who will have control over updating the website? TF:  JAG will.  TF will be taught by the designer and will undertake to ensure that we are not ‘stuck’ without designer. The designer is enthusiastic and supportive, and we fully expect him to help us develop things over the first few months after launch. There will be an approval process for members’ contributions.

GT asked: What is the running cost? TF-member services are 60 a year, plus domain for 2 or 3 years, then at an extra cost. 

GT asked: Is usability an issue if TF or the designer is not available? TF-The members’ services are hosted and maintained by a 3rd party (that’s what the 60 pounds per year pays for) so they will be robust and service minded.  Anyone who is ‘admin’ can approve and publish content and communicate with users (people who have signed up).  We should discuss who the site ‘mechanics’ could be. Ideally the site will interest more people than JAG currently reaches, so let’s wait and see.                                                                                                           Action TF

10. Street Party on July 4 2010

LB/SA reported:

The party will take place on the access road between 2 JA and the oak tree. Invitations have been delivered to residents on JA, Helix Gdns and Brixton Hill. Invitations will be delivered shortly to residents on Appach rd. Grant has kindly volunteered to make a huge paella and buy soft drinks etc…Treasure hunt and prize has been organised by JW. We have a volunteer DJ, speakers loaned by NT. Plant swap stall is being planned. The idea is, bring a plant and swap it for one. Residents have donated about 20 plants to start this off and asked if others could contribute. Gary Cornforth has volunteered to referee a ‘get a goal knock-out’ and a pro goalie has volunteered. Local sponsors are being sought for prizes for other games. Costs to date £100. At the last meeting JAG agreed to a max cost of £300.

We still need a BBQ and someone to run it, someone with a van to shift some tables from Tulse Hill to JA between now and 4 July, and someone who is good with a mike to tell us all what’s happening and give out prizes.

Strong volunteers would be much appreciated on Sunday morning to help set up tables and sound gear and to shift gear from the Hootenanny to JA on Sunday morning. 

TF and GT said they would organise people to move tables…   Chris said she could help. Sam said she will set up a meeting to organise all the last things.              Action SA/GT/TF/CvD/LB

Please phone 0208 674 5902 and leave a message and a contact number, if you would like to help. (especially if you are good with a mike or could donate a prize) With thanks in advance.

 11. Finances and Accounting

The Secretary reported on behalf of Tim Sutton that he wished to express concern to the JAG that a website designer had been hired without the job first being tendered out and he thought that JAG should have a tendering protocol that included 3 quotes. He requested the JAG consider the matter.

All agreed that there should be a competitive tendering process for substantial costs.

PC asked: Why not have a threshold for deciding whether there should be a competitive tender?

ON said that achieving the best value for money is the most important thing.

GT suggested a protocol should be enacted at a threshold and suggested GBP200?

TF said that we needed to be able to demonstrate sound financial management, particularly

when we are applying for large grants. He reminded those present that JAG constitutional aims are for the local environment and the community. 

It was probable that we would need a dedicated account for grant administration.

MC agreed that the JAG must have a robust financial procedure. Full and up to date accounts are crucial. Account books are often a requirement of applications for funding. She suggested that LVAC could advise and help.

GT asked SA if she would discuss future planning with NB (Treasurer). NB agreed. 

The meeting did not vote on the issues.              Action LB to contact LVAC; SA to contact NB.

12.  Street Clean/ Freshview Event

LB (Freshview Lead) reported: the next event would be held on Saturday 3 July, the day before the street party. 

The Freshview team and the Payback team would be helping again. There will be on street skips 

for green waste and a separate skip for street litter. This would be the last event this year. At the event in April, the street hedges had been cut back by a team of 4 residents and Keith Naish (LBC Freshview) (KN). LB asked if those present had any special requests for work to be carried out by volunteers on 3 July.

GT said the street should be tidied up for the street party and for the Urban Art show on 18 July. LB reported that Nick Berry (NB) had asked if the hedges could be trimmed again for UA. JW asked if there were tarpaulins for the skips as there had been considerable problems with fly-tipping on the last event. LB said it was important to try to prevent fly-tipping into the green only skips as otherwise all the waste must go to landfill and this was damaging and far more expensive for LBC. She had bought a tarpaulin for the only non fly-tipped green waste skip for the last event. This had worked but the rest had gone to landfill.

PC suggested placing the labeled waste and green skips next to each other. LB will suggest this to KN. LB said she would survey the street with KN as usual. Depending on the numbers of volunteers, she would add these requests to those already received, (incl: maintenance of 2 elderly residents gardens, litter clearance, fence mending, pillar painting, treatment of Japanese Knotweed) and plan accordingly. The meeting agreed.                                                Action LB 

13.  Survey.

LB suggested that a JAG Survey Questionnaire about waste/ compost/ on street recycling could be carried out in the afternoon on 3 July and 4 July. The meeting agreed. 

LB will write and print the Questionnaire.                                                                    Action LB 

14. Urban Art 

Tim Sutton sent the following request by email: 

“Please pick up your Urban Art leaflets and posters from outside 1 Helix Gardens.

Being JAG's only fund raising event we need your support in publicising this event. I have put a box of leaflets and posters, wrapped in a green plastic bag, behind our car outside number 1 Helix Gardens.

If you can, please collect some and hand out to friends and work colleagues. If you can get some posters up near your places of work that would also help. We also need volunteers before and on the day. If you can spare the time please contact Frances Forrest at francesfor@hotmail.com.   Thanks, Tim”


15. Any Other Business

15.1 MC said that Cllr Toren Smith has resigned for personal reasons. This had been a big shock to everybody. There have been texts of support from community groups. Ruth Lynn has been proposed by the Labour Party as his replacement. She has been a councilor for 16 years and lives in Clapham. She has a special interest in planning. MC said that she thinks Ruth will be a great asset.

LB asked if Ruth was interested in the Rush Common. MC said that she thought she was.

GT said that the JAG wished to thank Toren for all his hard work for the community and the JAG regretted his leaving.

15.2 MC said that Keith Hill is to receive a knighthood. There will be a party at St Martins for him as well as a welcome for Chukka. She will send the group an invitation and details. GT thanked her. 

15.3 GT said that there will be a football tournament for the Sudbourne Sevens (to whom the JAG makes an annual donation) at the Southbank University sports ground this Sunday afternoon.

15.4 PC said that he was now leaving the UK for a year. There was a thank you from all for his hard work.

15.5 ON suggested that her front garden might be used as another community garden as none of the residents at her house used it. Residents thanked her. GT thought residents could be asked if anyone would like to use the garden at the street party and suggested that residents clear the overgrowth ready for planting at the Freshview event on 3 July.


15.6 SA said that residents at 2 JA had had to take down and store the football net because there had been problems with children who were not local using it.

15.7 The meeting noted that Tim Sutton had commented by email: that no notice was given for tonight’s meeting. 

All JAG meetings take place at 7.30 on 2nd Wednesday of the month and will be at Mango Landing (unless otherwise advertised on street signs on JA). 


The meeting closed at 9pm

The next meeting will be on Wednesday July 14 at Mango Landing

Everyone Welcome

The community association welcomes any resident

of Josephine Avenue, Helix Gardens, Appach Rd and Brixton Hill .

 Residents of the wider area are very welcome to attend meetings.
